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August 21, 2009



so cute. I love the bright colors. I just love blue for bedrooms. Eliza chose the same shade of blue for her bedroom and we just love it. The stripes you added create the perfect pop of color.


love it! btw miss you!

gina russon

I am a fan of this and not the Beatles. I was on a friend's blog and she had a picture from a magazine of a cute kitchen. Professional. And this picture looks like it. You know... professional. It looks like it is out of a magazine. I hope he loves it to death. good job!

Emily House

Looks great. Go Lex. I can just see little Noah in there, playing and being cute.

house painting leads

I've tried painting lines around the room in the past and had a horrible time, I could never get them straight. I ended up calling a professional in to handle it before I pulled all my hair out. Bravo to you though for doing it, it looks great.

Annabelle Vandorn

A lot of people choose red as their favorite color. Well, it IS the most intense color, and it draws attention. Anyone who's sees the first picture would definitely look at the curtains first, don't you agree? Oh, the stripes look good, by the way.

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