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February 05, 2009


Jill Mulder

So cute! And the cupcakes look really yummy....


Who are you!? I just bought Hulk, Ben Ten, and Spiderman valentines at Harmon's. Does that make me a bad mom???


yummy, now i need some more of those! have you started your kelly quilt yet? I've got about half of the top done. It sits on my dining table and waits for a row or 2 each day. Thanks again for absorbing my explosion of the mouth the other day. You da best, and i'm doing/feeling better. thx. Love, Maple


Hey, have you seen the valentine card wreath on the williams-sonoma website? It reminded me of you. Check it out and tell me what you think.


I love the vintage valentines! So cute! You do such a great job with decorating your house.

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