i voted for the president of the United states in the Untied States this morning. i spent the last three presidential elections in Japan, and voted by absentee. it felt good to go to the polls this morning with noah & gracie. i was voter 110 in nauvoo at 8:15 am.
last night for family home evening we discussed the 12th article of faith, participating in the political process, and making voting decisions prayerfully.
at our house, we are completely appalled by obama's support of late term abortion, partial birth abortion, and allowing babies born live from failed abortion attempts to be laid aside to die. we are appalled by abortion in general. and this quote from obama break our hearts:
'if one of my daughters makes a mistake, i don't want her to be punished by a baby."
as an adoptive family, and children of god, we can't consider any baby to ever be a punishment.
we aren't one issue voters, there are many other issues on which we disagree with obama. but enough said.
my teenagers have been particularly upset by the abortion issue.
lexi made her feelings known at school yesterday by wearing this:
and this:
love that shirt!
Posted by: heathie | November 08, 2008 at 02:26 PM